Strategies for setting up K8S cluster on Local Machine
2 min readMay 3, 2022
Yet another Minikube vs Kind vs K3S comparison

- Master & Worker Nodes in K8S . refer
- Single Node Vs Multi Node Cluster.
- VMs on Hypervisors.
- Containers.
- Running Linux VM on Non-linux Host to enable Container Runtime (Docker).
- K8S Node deployed as a VM. (eg: Minikube)
- K8S Node deployed as a Container . (eg: Kind — Kubernetes IN Docker)
- K8S Node deployed as a Process . (eg: K3S)

- Multi Node Cluster: K8S cluster with Both Master & Worker Nodes.
- Single Node Cluster: Only Master Node.
- Hypervisor : A piece of code to emulate hardware and make VMs possible.(Hardware Virtualisation)
- Containers: OS Virtualisation
- Running Linux VM in Non-Linux Host:
i.e., Docker Engine runs within a linux VM on top of a Hypervisor - K8S Node as a VM:
Both Master and Worker nodes are spawned as VMs made out of pre-baked VM images.

- K8S Node as a Process:
Have essential Kubernetes components packaged into a single executable.
i.e., Master process and Worker process. Lightweight!!!

- K8S Node as a Container: (Docker in Docker)
Deploying Kubernetes nodes as a container, which implicates a container runtime running inside the node container.
